


【[Founder of The World Record dragon Calligraphy, master of the Belt and Road National Ceremony art, a leading Chinese art giant, the most influential person in China]】



Deng Xianjin character Chongfeng, Moyuan, no. Qingtongfeng, was born in 1965, the highest degree of the Central Party School undergraduate. After forty years of perseverance, work hard and study hard, practice left hand writing at the same time the positive and negative word famous hands stunt calligraphy master of art, national art master, a generation of famous master, master, area along the country gift art, a generation of people, people's fine arts artist, the giants of the Chinese art scene China shuxie vice President in phnom penh academy chief, painter-calligrapher association, Chinese art Chairman Deng Xianjin created the miracle of the world record of dragon calligraphy, created the first in the world, filled the gap of the first in the world record, and wrote a beautiful new chapter of calligraphy art in the new era. "Huaxia Hundred dragon Atlas" "Dragon monkey make spring map" "Dragon Fu Map" "Dragon youji map" "Group of tigers map" "Longevity map" and other 11 works won the national copyright registration patent certificate is representative work is also the founder.

He is the publisher of twelve great works such as Century-old Classics, Inheritors of Chinese art, Treasures of National Art Masters, and Chinese Contemporary art masters.

中原大地龙之图腾,翰墨飘香精耕细作。 邓先金是世界上最长的龙学书法作品队列世界纪录世界之最世界第龙的获得者、初创者、保持者,一带一路国礼艺术大师国礼级艺术大师 、国家一级书法师、中国艺术传承人物 、中国最具影响力人物 、一代翘楚艺坛巨匠、一代名家邓先金用勤劳智慧的双手,讴歌了许多时代英雄楷模、抒发了纯真感情、谱写了一幅幅新时代书法艺术绚丽新篇章。

近期,在中共中央宣传部"学习强国”党建学习网络平台发布《中国故事世界纪录龙文化和双手绝技书法》,北京长安街地铁1号线车厢巡展“华夏百龙图谱"”“凌云”,获得由中国中外名人文化研究会颁发沈鹏亲笔提名的“一代名家”茉誉证书、北京古今翰墨书院聘为副院长名誉院长,出席第二十届世纪大采风年度庆典暨年度人物电视总结表 彰大会并评为一代翘楚艺坛巨匠荣誉称号、 国宝级艺术大师称号等。



Central Plains big dragon totem, calligraphy fragrance intensive farming. Deng Xian golden dragon is the world's longest learn calligraphy queue world records the world's largest world the first winner of the dragon, startups, holder, One Belt And One Road country gift art master appointed master of art, national calligraphy teacher, character of Chinese art tradition, China's most influential people, one generation leaders masters of art, famous Deng Xian gold with wisdom and hardworking hands, Eulogized many heroes and models of The Times, expressed the pure feelings, and wrote a brilliant new chapter of calligraphy art in the new era.

Recently, in the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee "Learning to strengthen the Country" Party Construction learning network platform released "China Story World Record Dragon Culture and Two-handed Stunt Calligraphy", Beijing Chang 'an Avenue Subway Line 1 car tour "Huaxia Bailong Atlas" "Lingyun", From the China issued by Chinese and foreign celebrity culture research board shenpeng "a generation of famous" nominated Mo reputation certificate, honorary President of the ancient and modern calligraphy academy appointed vice President of the Beijing, at the twentieth century tour big annual celebration and a person of the year TV summary table Akira assembly and rated as "a generation of leaders masters of art" honorary title, such as "national art master" title.

Classics make great masters, and great masters make classics.

Deng Xianjin dared to be a pioneer and innovative, he talked about fame and wealth, uncorrupt; He worked tirelessly and silently; He endured in the city and blended into the lives of ordinary people. He was a model and leader who made remarkable historic contributions to the inheritance and development of Chinese culture and art without being known and selfless. He was worthy of being the guardian, transmitter and inheritor of Chinese traditional culture, and more importantly, the delineator and writer of life.

新冠病毒肺炎疫情去年肆虐中国,牵动着党中央和亿万人的心。今年变异病毒袭击郑州中原大地,在疫情严峻形势下中国最年轻、最具社会影响力、著名双手绝技书法艺术 大师、一带一路国礼艺术大师、国家- -级书法师、国宝级艺术大师、世界纪录世界之最世界第一龙字书法初创人、保持人邓先金,不但亲临一线高速卡口阻击防控,还挥毫泼墨,以笔作枪,用纯真的书法艺术温暖人心,讴歌战斗在疫情防控一线的广大党员干部、医护人员、公安交通民警以及为疫情防控捐款捐物\奉献爱心的各界人士,书写时代英雄,鼓舞士气,支援一-线,助威郑州,万众一心、众志成城,同心协力,克难攻坚,决心打赢这场没有硝烟的战争。













Deng Xianjin dare to be the first and innovative; He was indifferent to fame and wealth. He worked tirelessly and silently; He swallowed in the city, in ordinary life, he is obscure selfless devotion to the inheritance and development of Chinese culture and arts made great historic contribution of the service model, leaders, not the kui is a master of the Chinese art scene, "a generation of famous artists," national art master, master, not the kui is a guardian, transfer, inheritance of Chinese traditional culture, It is the description of life, the writer.

People close into the calligraphy art famous Deng Xian gold, appreciation of famous Deng Xian gold classics, taste famous Deng Xian gold charm of personality, feeling of famous Deng Xian gold soul in feeling and thinking on the intense collision, showing manner of famous artists, "national art master spirit, countries with such a pioneering innovative master of art, Let a person feel feeling to deep, sigh unceasingly, excited!

The reporter described the legendary, admirable and respected artistic life experience of Deng Xianjin with a unique perspective of new media, and summarized it very precious. Your successful experience in art deepens the profound feeling, perception and sincere admiration for deng Xianjin's calligraphy art, which reflects Deng Xianjin's persistent pursuit of calligraphy art, super faith, extraordinary wisdom, transcendence of life, transcendence of social achievement and great contribution.

Deng Xianjin's calligraphy works are of great value for collection, preservation and appreciation, and have great potential for personal development. Deng Xian gold is China's leading art new era, Chinese contemporary art tradition, powerful, contemporary Chinese calligraphy art history the youngest and most significant influence on the character, the most unique personality, unique artistic style and unique attainments of innovative, artistic, times representative, famous calligraphy art master hands skills. It is also the longest queue of dragon calligraphy works in the world, the winner, initiator and holder of the world record, the world's largest, the world's first.