
为健康提前敲响警钟Early warning for health



Chinese traditional medicine originates from the people, inherits in the people and serves the people. It is a 5000 year old traditional culture of Chinese tradition. It is the truth practiced by the ancestors of previous dynasties with countless experience, and has made great contributions to the health cause of the Chinese nation. Folk traditional Chinese medicine is deeply rooted in the sacred cause of traditional Chinese medicine with its unique talent and understanding. They persist in research with tenacity and rely on benevolent medical ethics With keen wisdom, rich practical experience, simple diagnosis, exquisite skills, remarkable curative effect, cheap service and the spirit of saving the wounded and dying, it is valuable to relieve the suffering of the people and benefit future generations.



Early prevention of sudden death and stroke


Zheng Ji "external treatment of internal diseases"


External treatment of traditional Chinese medicine (Acupoint External Application) heart disease can prevent sudden death in advance after recovery!

中医外治高血脂、高血压,这三种疑难病痊愈后 可以提前预防中风!而且这几种疑难病现在已影响到了不少中年人!

TCM External Treatment of hyperlipidemia and hypertension can prevent stroke in advance after the recovery of these three difficult diseases! And these difficult diseases have now affected many middle-aged people!TCM External Treatment of hyperlipidemia and hypertension can prevent stroke in advance after the recovery of these three difficult diseases! And these difficult diseases have now affected many middle-aged people!

验证方法:可以通过血液流变学,血液流变学的主要指标,即:血液的黏度、血液的浓度明显增高,导致 心血管逐渐瘀堵,导致血循环明显缓慢。

Verification method: through hemorheology, the main indexes of hemorheology, that is, the viscosity and concentration of blood are significantly increased, resulting in gradual blood stasis and blockage of cardiovascular system and obvious slow blood circulation.

就是说:治疗前可先做次血液流变学检查,痊愈后再做次血液流变学复查,尔后将结果与同龄、同性别的健康人做对比,这是目前最现实,也是最科学的一项验证!!!痊愈后 只要在3一6个月内不过性生活,绝大部分在十余年内不会复发!有人问 根据什么? 答:这就根据患者的 血液流变学 指标 已达 正常。

That is to say: before treatment, you can first do a hemorheological examination, and then do a hemorheological review after recovery, and then compare the results with healthy people of the same age and the same sex. This is the most realistic and scientific verification at present!!! After recovery, as long as it doesn't have sex within 3 to 6 months, most of them won't relapse within more than 10 years! Someone asked, based on what? A: This is based on the patient's hemorheological indicators have reached normal.

根据患者通过治疗后 血黏度、血浓度都降低了,血循环比厚来加快了,身体变年轻了,所以最低十余年内不会复发!但是,常运动,节制饮食,保持良好的心态等,一定要 一如既往!

According to the patients, after treatment, the blood viscosity and blood concentration have been reduced, the blood circulation ratio has been accelerated, and the body has become younger, so there will be no recurrence in at least ten years! However, regular exercise, diet control and maintaining a good attitude must be as always!

一位名老中医说的好:人老先老在 血管,血管 老的基础 是 血液成份 的变化,血液变浓了、变黏了、血脂高了。人要抗衰老,要长寿,气血平衡 是个关健,衰老的主要机制是 瘀血。我们为什么,这上面没有登病案?因以前类似的平台 也登过病案,但因有些人讲这是假的,甚者,还有说是拿钱买人讲的!所以,我们现在均用疗效和收款方式说话。

A famous old Chinese medicine said well: people grow old first in blood vessels. The basis of blood vessel aging is the change of blood composition. The blood becomes thicker, sticky and high blood lipids. The balance of Qi and blood is the key to anti-aging and longevity. The main mechanism of aging is blood stasis. Why don't we have a medical record here? Because medical records have been posted on similar platforms in the past, but some people say it's fake. What's more, they say it's bought with money! Therefore, we now speak in terms of curative effect and collection.



本外治法 因全用中药外敷,药不经胃、肠吸收,所以对 五脏六腑 都不会产生 任何药害 ,更不会因药物的副作用而产生 恶性循环 ,所以无副作用 安全,这是目前用药物治病在安全和无副作用两方面的最大安全优势。

This external treatment method is completely applied with traditional Chinese medicine, and the medicine is not absorbed by the stomach and intestines, so it will not produce any drug damage to the five zang organs and six Fu organs, nor will it produce a vicious circle due to the side effects of the medicine. Therefore, it is safe without side effects, which is the biggest safety advantage of drug treatment in terms of safety and no side effects.


Collection method:

一珍暂不收款,待患者觉得明显见效了才会去二诊,届时再收一珍和二诊包括三诊的医药费(三珍的目的是巩固,一般三诊与二诊都是 同时异穴 治疗。随着社会的发展,对医药的要求也渐高,2006年我偶遇一位高人的指点,深度挖掘中医精髓,采纳各家所长,结合自家的传承,融会贯通为我所用,“郑记·内病外治法”越发优秀!

Yizhen won't receive the payment until the patient feels that it is effective, At that time, the medical expenses for the first diagnosis and the second diagnosis will be charged, including the medical expenses for the third diagnosis (the purpose of the third diagnosis is to consolidate. Generally, the three diagnosis and the second diagnosis are treated at different points at the same time. With the development of society, the requirements for medicine are becoming higher and higher. In 2006, I came across an expert's advice to deeply excavate the essence of traditional Chinese medicine, adopt the strengths of various families, combine their own inheritance, and integrate them for my use, "Zheng Jihan · ZhuTie" Better and better!

要求:患者年龄在50岁以内(凭身份证),若有器质性病变、或有夾层动脉瘤、或有 升举动脉增宽 者 不治!

Requirements: the patient is under 50 years old (with ID card). If there are organic lesions, dissecting aneurysms, or lifting artery widening, they will not be treated!


"Zheng Ji external treatment of internal diseases" was officially launched in 1899 and has been inherited for 122 years. It was created by our ancestors before 1899 and has been studied by several generations. However, there is a bottleneck that is always difficult to overcome. In 2006, I met an expert who carefully enlightened me, deeply excavated the essence of traditional Chinese medicine, adopted the strengths of various schools, combined with their own inheritance, integrated and used the "Zheng Ji internal and external treatment of internal diseases" for me, and finally got the icing on the cake.


Tang Rongchuan has a famous saying: all incurable diseases are caused by poor removal of blood stasis.


In the process of occurrence, development and prognosis of various diseases, blood stasis with different degrees and manifestations can be seen. In this sense, it can be called: Blood Stasis in all diseases or blood stasis in case of long illness, especially in difficult cardiovascular diseases.

祖辈无论外治内科还是痹症,始终把握看两个核心:一,凡疑难病都必须以活血化瘀为君!记得有哪位名中医也曾说过: 即使患者症状没有瘀,也必须活血化瘀,目的是让气血条达。

Regardless of the external treatment of internal medicine or arthralgia, our ancestors always grasp the two cores: first, all difficult diseases must be based on promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis! I remember a famous traditional Chinese medicine once said: even if the patient has no symptoms of blood stasis, he must promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis in order to make the Qi and blood reach.

祖辈治疗疑难病第二个核心:即,温阳化痰,有位名医讲的很明确: 人体内凡阳气不到之处必有凝滞!筆者认为这个所谓 凝滞 总不外乎 淤血 或 痰湿。

所以 郑记内病外治法 凡疑难病治疗,都以重用活血化瘀为君,益气温阳化痰为臣而获良效。

The second core of grandparents' treatment of difficult diseases: Warming Yang and resolving phlegm. A famous doctor said very clearly: there must be stagnation where Yang Qi does not reach in the human body! The author believes that this so-called stagnation is nothing more than congestion or phlegm dampness.Therefore, Zheng Ji's internal and external treatment methods for difficult diseases have achieved good results by reusing promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis as the king and Supplementing Qi, warming yang and resolving phlegm as the minister.

微信号:jxry268699  成大器

Micro signal: jxry268699 amplifier

联系电话:136 6566 8699

Tel: 136 6566 8699


腰间盘突出 椎管狭窄 强直性脊柱炎 并非不治之症

骨髓水肿 骨刺 不再是疑难病




Lumbar disc herniation and spinal canal stenosis ankylosing spondylitis is not an incurable diseaseBone marrow edema and bone spur are no longer difficult diseasesThere is no need to replace the artificial jointBasically, it also improves the health of your spine and limbsZheng Jihan · sticking makes difficult and miscellaneous diseases no longer difficult to treat




“郑记寒·着贴”主治:强直性脊柱炎、腰间盘突出、颈椎病、骨髓水肿、帕金森、风湿性关节炎、滑膜炎、股骨头坏死、骨刺、坐骨神经痛,全用中药外敷。Main indications of "Zheng Jihan · ZhuTie": ankylosing spondylitis, lumbar disc herniation, cervical spondylosis, bone marrow edema, Parkinson's disease, rheumatoid arthritis, synovitis, femoral head necrosis, bone spur and sciatica, all of which are externally applied with traditional Chinese medicine.

I can promise the patient that as long as there is no organic disease, no disability, independent claudication and under the age of 60, they can be treated, and most of them can return to the normal condition before they get sick, that is, they can not have sex within 3-5 months after treatment, and can achieve specific "precautions" (issued to the patient separately), Most of them can basically do the same physical work, mental work and sports before they get sick (heavy work and strenuous activities are not allowed). This is also the only and most effective verification after treatment! It also eliminates the pain and huge capital of replacing the artificial joint (those who are ready to replace the artificial joint in the late stage of joint pain) once cured, they can basically do the same manual workers before the disease, which is not easy to relapse.



According to the main symptoms of the above Bi syndrome, I have drawn up a general treatment principle, that is, treating the disease and seeking the root cause, treating both symptoms and root causes, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, warming and dredging meridians, relieving exterior and dispersing cold, warming yang and removing dampness. Promoting blood circulation and dredging collaterals is the top priority. In addition, solving the obstruction of bone, pulse, tendon, meat and skin is its basic method. According to the brilliant summary of my grandparents on the treatment of arthralgia syndrome and the guidance of an expert I met at the beginning of this century, the current "Zheng Jihan · ZhuTie" has been icing on the cake!

Main features: 1. Targeted administration. 2. Effectiveness. 3. Security.

  1. The drug can reach the focus directly, so the curative effect is fast.
  2. Effectiveness, because the drug is not absorbed through the stomach and intestines, it eliminates the consumption of drugs by the digestive system, and its effective components can completely and directly reach the focus, so the curative effect is rapid.

3. Safety: this external treatment method is completely applied with traditional Chinese medicine and the medicine is not absorbed by the stomach and intestines, so it will not produce any drug damage to the five zang organs and six Fu organs, nor will it produce a vicious circle due to the side effects of the medicine. Therefore, it has no side effects and is safe and reliable. This is the biggest safety advantage of drug treatment in terms of safety and no side effects.


Collection method:

一珍暂不收款,待患者觉得明显见效了才会去二诊,届时再收一珍和二诊包括三诊的医药费(三珍的目的是巩固,一般三诊与二诊都是 同时异穴 治疗。随着社会的发展,对医药的要求也渐高,2006年我偶遇一位高人的指点,深度挖掘中医精髓,采纳各家所长,结合自家的传承,融会贯通为我所用,“郑记寒·着贴”越发优秀!

Yizhen won't receive the payment until the patient feels that it is effective, At that time, the medical expenses for the first diagnosis and the second diagnosis will be charged, including the medical expenses for the third diagnosis (the purpose of the third diagnosis is to consolidate. Generally, the three diagnosis and the second diagnosis are treated at different points at the same time. With the development of society, the requirements for medicine are becoming higher and higher. In 2006, I came across an expert's advice to deeply excavate the essence of traditional Chinese medicine, adopt the strengths of various families, combine their own inheritance, and integrate them for my use, "Zheng Jihan · ZhuTie" Better and better!


Important value:

  1. Historical value: "Zheng Ji Han · ZhuTie" retains a large number of prescriptions with Zheng Ji's traditional characteristics. It is a valuable treasure house of traditional Chinese medicine for tendon injury. It has very important practical significance for the development of traditional Chinese medicine for tendon injury orthopedics in Zheng Ji and even the motherland!
  2. Medical value: in long-term clinical practice, it has been proved that "Zheng Jihan · ZhuTie" is not only effective for ankylosing spondylitis, lumbar disc herniation, cervical spondylosis, osteomyelitis, bone marrow edema, myelitis, Parkinson's disease, trigeminal neuralgia, meniscus injury, periarthritis of shoulder, rheumatoid arthritis, suppurative arthritis, synovitis, necrosis of femoral head Bone spur and other arthralgia syndromes have good therapeutic effects, especially for those who have lost their ability to work due to illness, they can restore their ability to work before illness in a short time. Curing a patient is equivalent to saving a family, which is of practical value to the society.

Relevant cases:

Originally, many medical records have been published on similar platforms. Because it is a difficult disease, patients rarely believe it, and even some people say it is bought with money. In short, there are too many swindlers, the atmosphere is too bad, and it is a difficult disease, so I will never register medical records again. The method of payment after patients can see the real curative effect is adopted, so that each patient can personally experience the authenticity of its curative effect.

微信号:jxry268699  成大器

Micro signal: jxry268699 amplifier

联系电话:136 6566 8699

Tel: 136 6566 8699