
聚焦两会 特别报道

Focus on the two sessions special report


Contemporary Yixue famous artist - Zhang Xiumao



The annual National Two Sessions, accompanied by the breath of spring, once again touched the hearts of hundreds of millions of people. The "spring breeze" of the two sessions blew all over the land of Shenzhou, and the good "notes" that were "released" concerning the people's livelihood also inspired the Chinese people and played a new movement of development and progress." From the two sessions of the National People's Congress, "the most beautiful voice of the people's voice is the most beautiful." On the occasion of the two sessions of the National People's Congress in 2022, a special report is made on the contemporary Yixue famous artist - Zhang Xiumao.



Zhang Xiumao, a native of Laizhou, Shandong Province, born in 1963, is an outstanding Chinese traditional culture researcher, a senior Feng Shui master, a famous artist of Sinology culture inheritance, and a special guest of the 2021 Sinology Inheritance and Innovation High-end Forum.


China's excellent traditional culture is the spiritual lifeblood of the Chinese nation. Efforts should be made to draw nourishment and wisdom from the excellent traditional culture formed and accumulated by the Chinese nation over the generations, continue the cultural genes, extract the essence of ideology, and display spiritual charm.



Teacher Zhang Xiumao has loved traditional Chinese culture since childhood, and in 1992, he began to learn from himself, began to learn feng shui, and became enlightened two years later. Over the years, Mr. Zhang Xiumao has inherited and carried forward the concept of excellent traditional Chinese culture, and he combines theory and practical application to serve customers.


The eight characters, or birthday eight characters, are the date of a person's birth. The annual stem and the annual branch form the year pillar, the moon stem and the moon branch form the moon pillar, the daily stem and the day branch form the day pillar, and the time stem and the time branch form the time column; There are four pillars in total, four stems and four branches with a total of eight characters, so it is also called four pillars and eight characters. Eight-character numerology is a kind of study that speculates on people's career, marriage, fortune, academics, health and other things according to the theories such as the dry branch calendar, the five elements of yin and yang, and the shenxu, also known as the lost fortune telling, which is a long-established fortune telling method in China.


Teacher Zhang Xiumao began to learn the eight characters from 2010, because he has a foundation of easy reasoning, the speed of learning the eight characters is very fast, since there is WeChat, there are a lot of eight characters practical group, after the actual combat training, so that their level has been greatly improved, now zhengshi leisurely folk, serve the society, the eight character numerology applied to the case of feng shui, its case operation by the majority of customers praise!


Professor Zhang Xiumao believes that the environment of environmental science research is the external world with human beings as the main body, that is, the synthesis of the material conditions on which human beings depend for survival and development, including the natural environment and social environment. The natural environment is the totality of all naturally formed matter and its energies that directly or indirectly affect human beings. Today, most of the earth's surface has been intervened by humans, and there are not many native natural environments. The social environment studied by environmental science is the artificial environment created by human beings through long-term conscious social labor on the basis of the natural environment. It is a symbol of the development of human material civilization and spiritual civilization, and is constantly enriched and evolved with the development of human society.